18th September 2024

Timely alerts save stock for The Adam Practice

One of the largest GP practices on the south coast the Adam Practice operates across five sites, providing healthcare services to over 38,000 patients. Monitoring more than twenty fridges containing vaccines and other temperature-sensitive materials and maintaining accurate records was proving a challenge, despite the use of SD cards and temperature probes inside the fridges.

Fiona Witt, Estates & Facilities Manager for the practices, was seeking a more efficient and reliable solution. Having assessed a number of different automated systems, she selected RemoteM based on a number of identified advantages. It was quick and easy to install, did not require integration into existing IT systems and was intuitive in use. Perhaps most importantly, RemoteM incorporates a 24/7 alerting function which notifies immediately via SMS or email when fridge temperatures go outside pre-set limits.

A recent power outage on a Sunday afternoon clearly illustrated the benefits of the alerting facility. The site in question was closed and unmanned, but Fiona was notified of the issue and was able to act immediately. Staff at the practice were able to verify via RemoteM records exactly how long the contents of the fridge had been outside recommended temperatures, check with manufacturers and save the majority of the stock.

Read our recent case study to find out more: The Adam Practice - case study